Hannie Zang
Research Interest:Â
Data-centric Blockchain System Management for composable multi-site cloud-native edge-clouds
Design/Construction of Multi-Site Cloud-native Edge-Clouds and their DevOps-based operations (OF@KOREN Playground, K-ONE Playground, etc.)
2016.03. ~ Current: Ph.D. Candidate of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, GIST, Republic of Korea (Adviser: Prof. JongWon Kim) (GPA 3.41 / 4.5)
2011. 03. ~ 2016. 02.: Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, Soongsil University, Republic of Korea (Adviser: Prof. DongSung Kim) (GPA 3.77 / 4.5)
2008. 03. ~ 2011. 02.: Inchang High School, Republic of KoreaÂ
International Journal
Hannie Zang, Ho Kim, and JongWon Kim, "Blockchain-based Decentralized Storage Design for Data Confidence over Cloud-native Edge Infrastructure," IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 50083-50099, Apr. 2024 (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3383010). [SCI-E, IF=4.820]Â
Hannie Zang, and JongWon Kim, "Reinforcement Learning Based Peer-to-Peer Energy Trade Management Using Community Energy Storage in Local Energy Market," Energies, vol. 14, no. 14, pp. 4131, Jul. 2021 (DOI: 10.3390/en14144131). [SCI-E, IF=3.252]Â
Jargalsaikhan Narantuya, Hannie Zang, and Hyuk Lim, "Service-Aware Cloud-to-Cloud Migration of Multiple Virtual Machines," IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 76663-76672, Nov. 2018 (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2882651). [SCI-E, IF=4.098]Â
International Conference
Hannie Zang, and JongWon Kim, "A Comprehensive Study on Blockchain-based Cloud-Native Storage for Data Confidence," International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Paris, France, Jul. 2023.
Hannie Zang, Sunyong Kim, Daeyoung Kang, and Hyuk Lim, "Peak Demand Reduction using Energy Storage System for Demand Response," ACM BuildSys 2019, New York, NY, USA, Nov. 2019.
Jargalsaikhan Narantuya, Hannie Zang, and Hyuk Lim, "Automated Cloud Migration based on Network Traffic Dependencies," IEEE International Workshop on Open-Source Software Networking (OSSN), Bologna, Italy, July. 2017.
Domestic Conference
Hannie Zang, and JongWon Kim, "A Design and Operation Process of Blockchain-based Cloud-native Storage for Data Confidence," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2024 Winter Conference, Yongpyeong, Feb. 2024.
Hannie Zang, and JongWon Kim, " A Study on the Blockchain-based Cloud-Native Storage for Data Confidence," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2023 Summer Conference, Jeju, June. 2023.
Hannie Zang, and JongWon Kim, " A Concept Design on Blockchain-based Decentralized Storage for Data Confidence," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2022 Summer Conference, Jeju, June. 2022.
Hannie Zang, Ho Kim, and JongWon Kim, " A Concept Design on Blockchain-based Edge Infra and Data Storage & Sharing Scheme for Data Confidence," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2022 Winter Conference, Pyeongchang, Feb. 2022.
Hannie Zang, Ho Kim, and JongWon Kim, " A Concept Design on Cloud-native Connected DataLake for Blockchain," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2021 Fall Conference, Yeosu, Nov. 2021.
Daeyoung Kang, Hannie Zang, Sunyong Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Building Energy Information System for Demand Response," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2020 Winter Conference, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, Feb. 2020.
Sunyong Kim, Daeyoung Kang, Hannie Zang, and Hyuk Lim, "Pre-set based Building Energy Management System for Demand Response," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2019 Winter Conference, Pyeongchang, Korea, Jan. 2019.
Hannie Zang, Jargalsaikhan Narantuya, and Hyuk Lim, "Cost Efficient Placement of Multiple Virtual Machines in Hybrid Cloud Environment," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2017 Summer Conference, Jeju, Republic of Korea, June. 2017.
Hannie Zang, Jargalsaikhan Narantuya, Sunghwan Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Performance Evaluation of Virtual Machine Live Migration using OpenStack," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2017 Winter Conference, Jeongseon, Republic of Korea, Jan. 2017.
Hannie Zang, Sunghwan Kim, Yohan Kim, and Hyuk Lim, "Performance Evaluation of Virtual Machine Live Migration using OpenStack," in Proc. KICS (Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences) 2016 Summer Conference, Jeju, Republic of Korea, June. 2016.
Domestic Patents
Hyuk Lim, Hannie Zang, Daeyoung Kang, and Sunyong Kim, "Energy management system and energy management method," Application 10-2019-0128030 (2019.10.15).
Hyuk Lim, Jargalsaikhan Narantuya, Hannie Zang, "Cloud-to-Cloud migration of multiple virtual machines," Registration 10-1959055 (2019.03.11) / Application 10-2017-0128518 (2017.10.02).
Hyuk Lim, Jargalsaikhan Narantuya, Hannie Zang, "Openstack based Multisite Cloud-to-Cloud virtual machine migration automation S/W," Application C-2017-023562 (2017.09.29).
Participated Projects
Developing of zkp sensing, cryptographic authentication, and blockchain based cloud service convergence technology, Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP), July 2021 - Current
Assigned Role & Task: A participant researcher, Leading Task 2.
[Task 2] Cloud-native Connected DataLake for Blockchain
Adaptive Design Technique for System Expansion, Agency for Defense Development (ADD), Feb. 2021 - July 2021
Assigned Role & Task: A participant researcher, Leading Task 2-2.
[Task 2-2] QoS Improvement Design and Performance Evaluation of Broadband Encrypted Data Transmission Extending DTN
Development of Flexible Demand Response System for Small/Mid size Buildings and Its Demonstration, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE), May 2017 - April 2020
Assigned Role & Task: A participant researcher, Leading Integration Task and Task 3
[Integration Task] Building Energy Information System for Demand Response
[Task 3] Flexible DR Optimal Algorithm Development
AI-based Smart B2G(Building-to-Grid) Technology, GIST Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Energies (RISE), Jan. 2018 - Feb. 2019
Assigned Role & Task: A participant researcher, Leading Task 3
[Task 3] Energy IoT & AI-based Building Energy Management Technique Development
Design of Integrated Business Model for EV and Development of Simulation Technologies, GIST Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Energies (RISE), Aug. 2016 - Dec. 2017
Assigned Role & Task: A participant researcher, Leading Task 4
[Task 4] Development of emulation technology for EV convergence service
Development of Automated SaaS Compatibility Techniques over Hybrid/Multisite Clouds, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), April 2016 - Dec. 2018,
Assigned Role & Task: A participant researcher, Leading Task 3
[Task 3] Composable UnderCloud for Dynamic Composition